Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Support Small Business Saturday

Posted on Nov 23, 2010 by  Martin Lieberman  under Small Business Trends

Small Business Saturday logo

How  will you be spending your upcoming weekend? If you’re like me and  millions of Americans, you’ll be embarking on the annual ritual that is  holiday shopping, picking up presents for family and friends.
This year, however, why not take the action to a smaller scale, and join with us to support the first-ever Small Business Saturday on November 27.

While Black Friday and Cyber Monday both drive sales to national  chains and larger retailers, Small Business Saturday, a national  campaign sponsored by American Express OPEN, recognizes the importance  of small, independently owned businesses to our national economy and  local communities.
If you’re a small business, we don’t have to tell you about the impact you have on the economy. But here are just two examples:
  • Research conducted by the 3/50 project  suggests that for every $100 spent in locally owned independent stores,  $68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll, and other  expenditures — far greater than the amount from national chains.
  • According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, an estimated 27.5 million small businesses operated in the United States in 2009, and they created 65 percent of net new jobs.

When you bypass the shopping malls and choose to buy from your local  retailers, or eat at an independently owned restaurant instead of a  chain, you do more good than you may realize. That’s why we believe it’s  so important to support small businesseses, this Saturday and always.
Want to get involved in the Small Business Saturday movement? Here are four ways to do so:
  • Spread the word about Small Business Saturday with the sharing tools found on and, and through Twitter using the hashtag #SmallBusinessSaturday.
  • Give shout-outs to your favorite local shops and restaurants so the people in your social networks help the businesses you love.
  • Small business owners can download a number of social media tools  and promotional materials to create buzz for their business through  Small Business Saturday.
  • If you’re an American Express card member, the first 100,000 people  to pre-register their card and then spend at least $25 on Small Business  Saturday at a small, independently owned small business will receive a  $25 credit on their next billing statement.

And of course, choose to make your holiday purchases where it  matters: At your favorite small business. While you’re there, ask the  manager if he or she has an email list you can join, or a social media account you can be a part of.

Will you be shopping small? Are you a small business offering a special promotion this Saturday? Tell us all about it by posting a comment here or on our Facebook Page.
Small Business Saturday … It’s going to be huge.

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